Sports Medicine

Sports Injury Program-Important Information for Athletes and Parents

Sports injury care at Bow High School is coordinated by the Athletic Trainer.  The Athletic Trainer (AT) is a NH licensed and nationally certified health care professional contracted by the school district from Granite State Physical Therapy. The AT has been hired to provide our athletes with injury prevention, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation under the direction of a licensed physician.  The AT will oversee all sports injury care at Bow High School.

1.       All injuries or illnesses that affect the ability to play or practice at 100% must be reported to the AT as soon as practical.  Injury or illness that affects school participation should also be reported to the school nurse, but this is in addition to notifying the AT, not in place of. Failure to appropriately report injuries may affect long term health and playing status with the team.

2.      Any injury that requires an athlete to stop play or practice for the day must be evaluated and cleared by the AT before returning to participation.

3.      Injured athletes should report to the training room before practice EACH DAY unless told otherwise.  The training room is usually open between 2:50-3:45 each school day.  Other times (ie free periods, break or before school) may be available by appointment.

4.      Every effort should be made to notify the AT before going to any outside medical provider for an athletic-related injury.

5.      A doctor’s clearance (preferably on our forms) is needed EVERY TIME an athlete goes to the doctor during the sports season.  The written clearance must specifically indicate what things the athlete can or cannot do in relation to the injury or illness.  ALL CLEARANCE NOTE/FORMS MUST BE GIVEN TO THE ATHLETIC TRAINER, NOT THE COACH. *

6.      A Doctor’s clearance does not necessarily return an athlete to full participation.  Athletes are not permitted to return to practice or competition without the clearance of the Athletic Trainer even in cases where other medical clearance has been obtained. 

7.      Concussion has become an important topic in education and sports.  ALL suspected concussions must be reported to both the AT and Nurse and cleared by the AT.  Very specific procedures for the evaluation and care of concussion has been established by the school board and must be followed in every situation.

8.      Hydration plays an important part in both injury prevention and sport performance.  All athletes are required to have their own water bottle each day.  Sharing of water bottles is not permitted.

9.      Personal safety equipment should be inspected daily by the athlete.  Players that are missing safety equipment, or have items that are damaged or not functioning as intended will be removed from participation.  THIS INCLUDES MOUTHGUARDS.  Equipment may be inspected by the AT for compliance.

10.  A first aid medical kit is provided for each team.  This is for emergency use only.  Ongoing injuries should be treated in the athletic training room before going to practice or games.

Randall Scroggins, LAT ATC


Phone: (603) 228-2210 Ext. 381